Mascot Contest
Reginald and Vic need a new look! Enter your designs for the 2019 QC Anifest versions of these lovable mascots, and see your design featured on promotional material, at the convention, and on our website and social media!

Contestants may enter as many submissions as they like as long as they are unique.
Please keep the entries family-friendly.
QCAniFest reserves the right to refuse any inappropriate entries.
Contestants may rescind their entries at any time before the contest closes at midnight on June 1, 2019.
The winning entry will belong to QCAniFest. The artist of the entry may post the submission on their personal social media pages and portfolios but may not use the image for any commercial uses.
Artwork must be original.
QCAniFest reserves the right to use the winning image for advertisement and commercial use including but not limited to merch such as posters, badges, and t-shirts.
QCAniFest reserves the right to extend or exterminate the contest if any unexpected circumstances prevail.
Winning submissions will be used for QCAniFest art and promotional materials for the 2019 convention season and lead up to into the 2020 season.
The winning entry becomes the intellectual property of QCAniFest. QCAniFest may display all entries in galleries or use them as extra art.
Entrants may not post entries to personal social media pages prior midnight on June 1, 2019.
Late entries will be accepted at the discretion of the QCAniFest committee.
How to Enter
All submissions can be sent to with the title ‘2019 Mascot Contest Entry’ and must contain (1) transparent image of Vic and Reg at the required size. If you would like to include an image with a background you can.